This brief will help us understand your business objectives so we can plan and execute your digital marketing campaigns. Please fill out the required information and feel free to add further details where necessary.

If you don't have a website, provide the link to your most active social media profile
(Please include links to their websites)
How are you different from your competitors? Why should a customer buy your product or use your service? What is the unique value proposition that sets you apart from your competitors?
Who would you like to reach with the adverts and where are they? Example: Young women from 18-35 years in Lagos, Nigeria. The more specific you can get, the better.
What do you want to achieve with this campaign? Examples: Brand awareness, introducing new product, educating your target audience, acquiring new customers etc.
When would you like to start the campaign?
How long would you like to run the campaign?
Do you have a budget for this project? If yes, please specify.
In clear and specific terms, please state what you would like to achieve from the campaign. At the end of the project, what would make you feel that you got value for your money?
Specify the web address to which prospective customers should be directed when they click on your ad. Example:
How would you like them to describe your company? Example: Reliable, Creative, Innovative, Fun, Serious, Expert etc.
What feeling or message do you want your adverts to convey to your target audience?
Upload relevant files (e.g. your logo, real pictures of your products, images that illustrate your desired result etc.